Roman Kreuziger Cycling Academy


about us

origin, vision and goals

origin of RKCA

RKCA is a project of Petr Kubias and Roman Kreuziger, which selects talents from all over the Czech Republic and shapes them into world-tour competitors. The project was created in 2018 and not only thanks to our long-term partners, today it belongs to the best junior teams.


Popularization of cycling

Our academy has been operating for the sixth year, and during that time we have been able to make an impression on the souls of competitors, fans of Czech cycling, and even non-cyclists. We try to bring cycling closer to people (online and offline) and popularize it as a sport itself. For the third time, we organized the prestigious international race Grand prix west bohemia for cadets and juniors, which was newly conceived as a stage race in 2024.


Professional approach

Every cycling legend had to start somewhere. We try to catch the biggest Czech talents at a young age and give them the best training. We will provide them with all the equipment and motivation so that their enthusiasm lasts and they can represent us in the world's biggest competitions in the future, even for those who have little money for their own bike or inadequate facilities.

Racing team
  • We shape young talents

    Our team consists of the best young competitors in the Czech Republic. We give our best to everyone and arrange first-class equipment for everyone.

  • Hard training from the pros

    In our team of trainers there are experienced professionals who have an excellent racing history and have a lot to pass on. We treat RKCA racers to training that is not just for everyone.

  • Support by Roman Kreuziger

    The patron of our academy is Roman Kreuziger, who sometimes rides with us and experiences training together with the competitors. Together, we want to create the best cycling academy in the Czech Republic and improve the competitors to world-tour level.

origin of RKCA

RKCA, projekt Petra Kubiase a Romana Kreuzigera, od roku 2018 vyhledává české cyklistické talenty a formuje je v elitní závodníky.


Popularization of cycling

Naše akademie již šest let formuje cyklisty i fanoušky a popularizuje cyklistiku. Potřetí jsme uspořádali prestižní Grand Prix West Bohemia, která byla v roce 2024 nově etapovým závodem.


Professional approach

Každá cyklistická legenda někde začínala. My podchytáváme české talenty v mládí, poskytujeme jim špičkový trénink, vybavení i motivaci, aby mohli uspět na světové scéně, bez ohledu na finanční možnosti.

Racing team
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